Geological Collections

The database of Estonian geoscience collections associates the geocollections of the Tallinn University of Technology (GIT), the University of Tartu (TUG) and the Estonian Museum of Natural History (TAMG). Data is managed in joint database of geoscience collections, SARV. An estimated 310 000 records of samples and ca 80 000 images as well as other media files have been recorded in the database (in 2015). These are accessible via the portal of geoscience collections and the portal of fossils as well as via the public API and via several data networks (GeoCASe, GBIF et al).

Locality points are clickable and linked to specimen. Intensive circles mark groups of country centroids where exact location is not available.


Quick search in the database of geoscience collections:

For more detailed search, go to the portal of geocollections

Contact information

Database-related technical issues:

  • Olle Hints, Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology, (