Information System
PlutoF modules
Projects • Citizen Science Projects • Specimens • Observations • Sequences • Living Specimens • Literature based taxon occurrences • Environmental samples (soil, water, air, wood, insects, etc.) • Monitoring • File repository • Collection management • Photobank • Publishing • References • Open Data (DOI) • Classifications • Taxon descriptions • Checklists • Analyses lab • Sequence analyses • DNA lab • UNITE Species Hypotheses • Clipboard • Persons • Institutions • Search • GIS • Access Rights
SARV modules
Collections and specimens • Rock and sediment samples • Drill cores • Analysis and results • Loans and visits • Taxa • Classifications of minerals, rocks and sediments • Stratigraphy and geological time • Publications and manuscripts • Photo archive • Soil data • Localities and geological sections • File repository • DOI and DataCite datasets • Persons and institutions • Users and permissions • Taxon occurrences • Storage locations • Reporting
Vision and goals (2016-2021)
Goals and activities are divided between two strategically distinct development periods: 1) Improvement of application domains and functional quality (2016-2018). 2) Global implementation of services and international competitiveness (2019-2021).
The information system services and application domains are enhanced. User interfaces and support processes are scaled for global reach and management of large data volumes. Pilot phases for services aimed at international databases (including data availability) are implemented.
Relevant Estonian scientific databases are integrated, including data from the Environmental Observatory field bases, establishing persistent information exchange with national and international environmental information databases (GBIF, LTER).
User policy agreements and data intellectual property regulations are developed, including licensing and a business plan for offering paid services of the information system (beyond the Roadmap measure).
The information system is consolidated to merge duplicate roles and services, with technical management of development works unified and inter-institutional coordination of work distribution.
Global services and user interface functionalities for e-infrastructure are developed. Sustainability of the information system is ensured through paid cloud services and joint projects under a common financing model.
Training services for Estonian and international users increase, ensuring rapid adoption of developed modules.
Planned modules (2016-2021)
Access and use of genetic resources (under the Nagoya Protocol) • Dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystems, including the role in climate change • Environmental samples module, including microbiology and DNA • Applied research in agriculture and forestry, including plant diseases • Distribution and threat status of protected species (including map analyses) • User interfaces for geological field and laboratory work • Module for the use and protection of mineral resources• Analysis of surface cover and Quaternary geology.
Horizontal Development Activities (2016-2021)
As a strategic decision, it is planned to continue with the so-called in-house IT development team, as it is more cost-effective compared to outsourced IT development and ensures the flexible implementation and enhancement of science-based analysis modules. Additionally, NATARC has a highly qualified team experienced in bioinformatics database development, capable of conducting user training themselves.
Ensuring Data Security:
- The information system will comply with ISKE standard security system requirements for databases containing environmental information (including the protection of species data in I and II protection categories).
- Regular risk analyses of the information system's operation will be conducted.
- Continuity of infrastructure services, including data availability and preservation, will be ensured.
Developing of IT processes
- Assignment of ownership and customer roles for IT services, and definition of service users
- Agreement on service levels for IT services and support services
- Description and development of software development and testing processes
- Introduction of an IT service-based management model to partners
- Description, mapping, and development of IT processes
Streamlining IT Architecture
- Description and implementation of IT architecture principles to achieve the best technological interoperability with other national and academic information systems
- Creation of a data-, process-, and application-based model of information systems to improve the quality of service-based management decisions